Caring for people



Unlock all of people’s potential in your company


Riccarda Zezza

Ceo & Founder

Giuseppe Donagemma
Giuseppe Donagemma


Gergely Iváncsics


Advisory board

Anouk De Blieck
Anouk De Blieck
Mauro Meanti
Mauro Meanti


Chiara Bacilieri
Chiara Bacilieri

Head of Research & Innovation

Chiara Bacilieri

Chiara Bacilieri is Lifeed’s Head of Data, leading a team of psychology, data analytics and data science experts who are responsible for obtaining useful insights for the development of the skills and potential of each person.

Contract Lecturer in Consumer Behavior at the Master in International Marketing Management, she is fascinated by the opportunities for innovation and change that can arise at the intersection of the two worlds, marketing and training.

Benedetta Di Cesare

Research & Innovation Analyst 

Benedetta Di Cesare

Benedetta Di Cesare has a Master’s degree in Psychology for Organizations: human resources, marketing and communication. She is in charge of Research and Innovation, moving from research activities, to data analysis to the design of new Lifeed solutions always ensuring the scientificity of the Life-based learning method.
She is an ice skater and dancer but also a team player and dreamer.
At the core of her work there is ambitioncuriosity and initiative.

Her goal is to build something that helps others and has a concrete positive impact on people’s lives.

Martina Borsato

Head of Osservatorio Vita-Lavoro

Martina Borsato

Where I’m from
A degree in cultural heritage management, a period of study abroad, and a great hunger for beauty in all its forms have allowed me to live different experiences, from being a freelance copy to strategic advice in the cultural and social impact field. From here, LBV was a natural landing, to start again with a revolutionary challenge, which I really feel is mine.
My city? Distracted gaze, ice kiss: Milan!

Where I want to go
Backpacking, to infinity and beyond! (But also towards the sofa or a hot bath it’s fine …)

An object that represents me
A battery: my nickname as a child was Duracell, for energy and charge. Today my refills are many, and among my favorites there are books, cappuccinos and smiles, but above all my daughter Lea.

My Motto
“Take life lightly, which lightness is not superficiality, but gliding over things from above, not having boulders on the heart”
Italo Calvino, American lessons

Donata Ruzzenenti
Donata Ruzzenenti

Stakeholder Engagement

Donata Ruzzenenti

Where I’m from

Milano is my city, the world is made for discovering one journey at a time. I started working as a “runner” for BBC productions in Italy and from there the television was my workplace for many years: news, information programs. At Life Based Value, I’m involved with Stakeholder Engagement, looking after and managing the relationships we have in Italy and abroad with the CEO and the key stakeholders in the business.

Where I want to go

I’ve learned to be amazed by life. I’ve learned to start again. I’ve learned to look forward and accept the challenge. I’m ready to learn again!

An object that represents me

My phone belongs to me, it helps me at work, it helps me communicate, to listen. It’s the object that best represents my need to be connected with reality.

My motto

“The things that we love can never be owned completely. They are simply looked after”(Gaio Valerio Catullo)

Stefania Cetoli
Stefania Cetoli

Head of Administration & Operations

Stefania Cetoli

Where I’m from

I’m a Customer Service Manager and Businesswoman.

Where I want to go

My place is where you create and build things… now, I’m right where I need to be.

An object that represents me

I don’t have one in particular. Every situation in work and life needs a different object. It’s a constant walk, with lots of different possibilities and directions.

My motto

Creativity is invention, experimentation, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.

Alice Stirati
Alice Stirati

Administration Junior

Alice Stirati

After a Political Science degree, many years of volunteering with children and adults in differents reality in Milano, I spent some years in a little professional studio. After this years, I land to LBV to take part of a project that is growing day by day. I like to take care of things day by day and and that require a continuos challenge. Challenges have always been part of me, both in work and in normal life. I’m a football player: let’s get this match started!

Giacomo Gallo

Head of Marketing

Giacomo Gallo

Giacomo Gallo leads Lifeed’s marketing in order to ensure the link between customer needs and the value of its courses. He is married, has a daughter and practices yoga everyday. With a broad knowledge of digital B2B solutions gained in key Italian internet companies, he puts human sustainability and innovation at the center of his work.

His goal is to promote meaningful go-to-market approaches to foster Lifeed’s growth thanks to a strategic and data-driven view.

Gabriella Giani
Gabriella Giani

Corporate Marketing Manager

Gabriella Giani

Gabriella Giani is Lifeed’s Corporate Marketing Manager, diffusing Lifeed values by engaging corporate teams. She listens to their needs and experience, constantly focusing on innovation and a network that connects technology, ideas and people. As companies become more digital, they have the opportunity to become agents for change and create a new working culture that put human capital and people wellbeing at the centre.

Nicoletta Orlandi

Customer Marketing Manager

Nicoletta Orlandi

Nicoletta Orlandi, Customer Marketing Manager, is responsible for defining and implementing all the strategic levers and initiatives to support direct and indirect sales channels. From her experience in sales, marketing and communication, gained over the years in italian digital companies, she brings with her the desire to face new challenges, in an innovative and people-oriented context like Lifeed. She balances her analytical approach with the passion for storytelling and communication.

Eleonora Bruneri
Eleonora Bruneri

Corporate Graphic Designer

Eleonora Bruneri

A Graphic design & art direction NABA graduate, Eleonora specialises in branding. Throughout her studies and working experiences, she’s become passionate about editorial design, packaging and photo retouching. She’s constantly searching for the ideal balance between functionality and aesthetics, which is why she’s so passionate about creating infographics.

Rocco Izzo

CRM & Digital Marketing Specialist

Rocco Izzo

Neapolitan, graduated in marketing and international management. Passionate about communication and digital even before university years, he has been working in digital marketing since 2020. At Lifeed, Rocco holds the position of CRM & Digital Marketing Specialist with the aim of promoting a change in the world of work that leads to the enhancement of human capital.

Mathilde Michelotti
Mathilde Michelotti

Head of Enterprise Sales

Mathilde Michelotti

Head of Sales Enterprise at Lifeed, Mathilde Michelotti is responsible for the growth of the Enterprise sector from a tight business development and Enterprise caring perspective. Graduated in marketing in Milan and in market creation in Copenhagen, she started her career in marketing for large companies and in consultancy. She quickly preferred scale-up contexts. From the launch of an ecommerce company, she continues with various sales roles in Italian digital tech companies. She is motivated by challenge and building a dense network of loyal customers. Obsessed with the ability to actively listen to customers and all company stakeholders.

Francesco Pecori Giraldi
Francesco Pecori Giraldi

Key Account Manager

Francesco Pecori Giraldi

Where I’m from

I have a degree in Economics and business management. I am passionate for the world of start-ups and everything that can directly change the way that people live.

Where I want to go

I want to be a “Go-Getter” that’s attentive to others.

My motto

“I work to change the extraordinary in ordinary”

Viola Sgarbi
Viola Sgarbi

Senior Designer

Viola Sgarbi

I’m a Product Designer at Lifeed.
I focus mainly on usability and design, trying to find the best balance between people’s needs and the opportunities that technology offers us.

Andrea Herrera
Andrea Herrera

UX designer

Andrea Milena Herrera

Andrea Milena Herrera is a UX designer from Bogotá Colombia. In her role at Lifeed, she’s focused on bringing users the most useful experiences possible. She’s an Industrial Design graduate with a masters in Service Design, passionate about developing the best digital solutions possible that improve people’s everyday lives.

Rossella Mandalà
Rossella Mandalà

UX writer

Rossella Mandalà

Rossella Mandalà is part of the product team, focusing on UX writing, quality control and launching new Lifeed programs in English. Working in synergy with designers and developers, she aims to facilitate product development, constantly improving the user experience on the platform and contributing to the company’s international growth.

Valentina Pinoia

Content Curator

Valentina Pinoia

Valentina takes care of Lifeed’s content comprehensively, from managing existing courses to developing new educational projects. She holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies from Sapienza University of Rome and is a certified teacher of Italian as a Second Language. She has an immense passion for literature and linguistics, gender studies, and teaching

Roberto Orru
Roberto Orru

Head of Engineering

Roberto Orru

Where I’m from

Originally from Sardinia, I’ve been passionate about technology since I was a child. For years I’ve been studying, digging deeper and experimenting further with it.

Where I want to go

Against the grain.

An object that represents me

My motto

“Computing is not about computers anymore. It’s about living” (Nicholas Negroponte)

Charbel Rellesiva
Charbel Rellesiva

Senior Backend Developer

Charbel Rellesiva

Charbel Rellesiva is a Back-End Developer, originally from the Philippines. Over the past few years, he’s been working in IT, continuing to learn and explore new technologies along the way.

Chiara Sivieri
Chiara Sivieri

Head of Customer Success

Chiara Sivieri

Chiara Sivieri is a Customer Executive, responsible for Advisory, Learning & Development for Top Enterprise clients. Her approach is characterised by a strong people-centric perspective combined with soft skills honed through years of in-depth and important field experience in complex multinational organisations at the forefront of Innovation, Human Resources and Strategic Research.

Graduated in Philosophy, Philosophical Counselor and teacher of ‘Philosophy in Organisations’, she is convinced that today more than ever it is fundamental to enhance people’s talents and resources by adopting Caring paradigms that promote and respect their authenticity.

Gabriele Perrone

Customer Success Specialist

Gabriele Perrone

As the Content Marketing Lead, Gabriele Perrone manages content creation in various formats, focusing on communication, sales, marketing and research. With a background in editorial and digital journalism, he believes that we never truly stop learning, which is why he lets curiosity guide his path.

Anna Zambon
Anna Zambon

Customer Success

Anna Zambon

Anna Zambon is a Political Science graduate with Erasmus experiences in France, which she followed with a Masters in Human Resources Management. She joined Lifeed with the aim of acquiring new skills, as well as putting her experiences into practice. In her everyday work, she loves to discover new things, kick-starting processes that help her to grow both personally and professionally. She’s currently working with the Community Management and Customer Success teams, supporting program participants and clients alike. Her motto? Be the change you want to see in the world.

Elisa Vimercati

Trainer & Researcher

Elisa Vimercati

Where I’m from

From Brianza To Piedmont, from Modern Literature to Business Data Analytics, from SEO copywriter to researcher and trainer.

Where I want to go

I want to change the world and become ever more myself, ever better.

An object that represents me

A book and a sofa: one of my favourite pastimes is reading. My partner says I was a cat in a previous life, maybe he’s right.

My motto

“Everything finishes, everything is useful”.

And also: “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,’I will try again tomorrow’ “ (Mary Anne Radmacher)

Ilaria Apollonio

Coach MCC

Ilaria Apollonio

  • Master Certified Coach ICF (ICF Master Certified Coach) (>3000 hours of coaching delivered)
  • Extensive experience in the development of managerial and executive roles through individual coaching, team coaching, and group coaching
  • Instructor and supervisor in ICF Certification courses for new coaches
  • Experienced trainer in the field of managerial skills development (over 20 years of experience)
Laura Maria Rossi

Coach MCC

Laura Maria Rossi

  • Master Certified Coach ICF (ICF Master Certified Coach) (>3000 hours of coaching delivered)
  • Extensive experience in the development of managerial and executive roles through individual coaching, team coaching, and group coaching
  • Instructor and supervisor in ICF Certification courses for new coaches
  • Experienced trainer in the field of managerial skills development (over 20 years of experience)

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