Life Based Learning®


Life Based Learning®

Learning based on life

The method that is revolutionising the world of work

Life Based Learning is the learning method devised by Lifeed that enables people to transfer the soft skills they learn in their daily lives to the workplace and vice versa, with benefits for their companies. The method is built on the solid foundations of science and research, through partnerships with prestigious international universities and the collaboration of a scientific committee.

The method has evolved over the years into a platform that enables continuous and adaptive learning through a self-coaching programme based on self-reflection.

The revolutionary method transforms experiences of change into opportunities for growth and acquisition of soft skills, lowering stress and increasing people’s well-being during critical phases, both personal and professional.

Successfully tested by more than 5,000 mothers in 2017-2018 under the name MAAM – Maternity as a Master, it has since been extended to all life transitions, involving 70,000 mothers, fathers, caregivers and people in work transition, through the innovative Lifeed digital self-coaching sessions, recognised worldwide for their innovation and effectiveness.

Lifeed works with over 100 companies in Italy and abroad and has partnered with prestigious universities to validate, measure and evolve its proprietary scientific method.


The method takes the form of weekly micro-learning modules, lots of multimedia and interactive content for reflecting, questioning, narrating, exercising and experimenting with soft skills, one by one. And to exchange ideas, emotions, progress and successes, there is the community among colleagues, also from other companies, who are on the same training path.

Life Based Learning in 2 minutes



have improved their soft skills


feel more involved and closer to the company


are more motivated in their daily actions


say they have more energy and less stress

Employees who have gone through life transitions have improved their skills, releasing creativity, organisation, productivity and many other capabilities that we can activate and measure with Lifeed.

Sonia Malaspina, Hr Director Italy and Greece, Danone Specialized Nutrition

Lifeed has given me a different perspective on life and work. The two dimensions are not separate. On the contrary, they include many common aspects that act in synergy with each other.

Andrea, 38 anni, Business Consultant, Accenture


Read the latest Impact Report, the analysis undertaken annually by the Lifeed Work-Life Observatory, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the Life Based Learning method.

the power of Life Based Learning

Life and work recharge each other

Life based learning

Life Based Learning is science

Life Based Learning starts with the results of scientific research and is continuously fed by the data emerging from our ever-increasing programmes adopted by companies.

Our research projects

Kellogg School of Management

Starting from January 2020 – Duration 2 years

The research links the Lifeed Multi-Me exercise to the Kellogg School of Management’s algorithm on self-overlap complexity, resulting in a number of indicators and a personalised infographic for each user.

University of Milano – Bicocca

Starting from Q1 2020

Application of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning methods based on texts produced by participants in the masters courses. MIA represents the data emerging from the training course across various axes concerning the topics of well-being, cooperation and teamwork, leadership, effectiveness and productivity, and engagement.

Ca’ Foscari Competency Center (CFCC)

Starting from January 20

Through the BECOME360© questionnaire – a soft skills assessment tool developed by the Ca’ Foscari Competency Centre – masters participants receive a report measuring their degree of mastery of social skills before and after the masters programme.

Promundo e Valore D

February – June 2020

A research project that introduces to Italy the international report that has been measuring the state of fatherhood in the world’s major countries for the last five years: a fundamental, data-driven snapshot of the involvement of fathers in society.

Starting from July 2018 – Duration 2 years

Investigation into the mechanisms through which Lifeed (formerly MAAM) enables the transverse skills acquired through caring tasks to be transferred to the workplace, for a greater awareness of the continuous exchange of skills between different roles.

University of Turin – Dr Maddalena Cannito

The aim of the research is to investigate how models of fatherhood are evolving in Italy and to observe how changes in fatherhood relate to leadership and the way it is exercised.

European project

Starting from January 2019 – Duration 2 years

A project for innovation in the area of work-life balance, to support a fairer sharing of care responsibilities between working women and men and, in general, to encourage greater participation of women in the labour market.

Throughout the project, a partnership coordinated by the City of Milan will develop innovative solutions and strategies based on Life Based Learning.

This project has received financial support from the “EaSI” European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (2014–2020).

The information, documentation and data contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

European project

Starting from 2017 – Duration 3 year

The aim of the project, which involves a European partnership led by Piano C, a non-profit organisation for the development of female talent, is to frame motherhood as a learning experience that provides unemployed mothers across Europe with skills useful in the world of work, in order to increase their empowerment and employability.

Life is a teacher also for skills at work

If you want to contribute to the research project, join us.

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